Ransomware is big business for cyberattackers

When ransomware breaches a system, it searches for and encrypts valuable files using asymmetric key encryption, so only the attacker has the private key to decrypt the files.

Academic Organizations– Academic organizations are prime ransomware targets due to the large volume of research, intellectual property, and financial data of staff and students in their possession.

Human Resource Departments – HR systems have the personnel and financial records that make them prime targets for ransomware attacks.

Use immutable storage –  Immutable object storage can store your essential data in a bucket and lock it to block further modification. Therefore, using immutable storage can secure your backups from ransom attacks, keeping them unchanged. 

Backup Frequently – Your backup frequency determines how much data you could potentially lose in a ransomware attack. As such, many experts recommend backing up critical data at least once hourly.

More info: Managed Desktop Support Services


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